Release Name2.1.0.0
Release Date8 June 2023
Release StatusCOMPLETED


  • Introduction of "Update Profile" node: We have added a new node in the workflow to automate the process of defining a risk to a customer. The "Update Profile" node enables you to efficiently assign a risk level to customers, streamlining the risk assessment workflow.
  • Enhanced eKYC process with Face Search integration: In our ongoing efforts to improve the document-centric eKYC process, we have integrated Face Search functionality. This integration enhances identity verification by providing a more comprehensive and accurate verification process.


  • Scorecard remaining tasks - Phase 1: As part of our ongoing improvement to the scorecard feature, we have implemented Phase 1 of the "Scorecard Remaining Tasks" functionality. This enhancement allows for better task management and visibility, ensuring a streamlined and efficient workflow.


  • Enhanced case review efficiency: As an agent, you can now sync remarked records from a previous case into a new case. This improvement promotes reviewing efficiency by ensuring important information is readily available, streamlining the overall workflow.
  • AML profile loading status optimization: After users make an "Approve" or "Reject" judgment, they will no longer be prompted with a success message indicating the data has loaded. This modification reduces unnecessary notifications and improves the overall user experience.
  • Improved risk assessment capabilities: As an agent, you now have access to the Scorecard hit risk factor and risk score for specific cases and verifications. This information enables you to make informed decisions based on the risk score and the factors contributing to the customer's risk level.
  • AML check status update: When a profile is hit during AML check, the display will now show the status as "Need Review." This change ensures that agents can easily identify profiles requiring further attention and review.

Customer Profiles

  • Enhanced risk level visibility: Agents can now check the risk level for each existing customer in the customer profile. This functionality assists in conducting periodic reviews and enables better decision-making based on the different risk levels of customers.


  • Expanded event types in webhooks: We have added a new event type, such as "Risk Level," to our webhooks. This addition provides you with more flexibility and customization options when integrating with external systems, ensuring comprehensive event notifications.


  • Workflow and tag display optimization: We have made enhancements to the display of workflows and tags in the case and verification modules. These improvements provide a more intuitive and streamlined user experience, facilitating better organization and management of cases and verifications.

We appreciate your ongoing support and feedback. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.