Backend Integration

Back-end Integration

Notes : Please first check the Glossary for basic information about ADVANCE API.

Generate URL API

Call this API to generate an IDV link , which is the IDV process page.

Request Example:

curl -X POST  \
-H "X-ACCESS-TOKEN: {Your Access Token}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"returnUrl": "",
"region":"IDN"}' \ 

Request Url
POST (application/json)

  • If your test/official environment is in China, please request the service via VPN to avoid packet loss, service timeout and other problems

Request Header Parameters

X-ACCESS-TOKENstring Please use Token Authentication API to get your access token

Request Parameters

returnUrlstring The target URL of the web page jump after successfully completing the H5 Document Verification
failReturnUrlstring The target URL of the web page jump after the H5 Document Verification fails to obtain OCR results
regionstring The region of the service support, format please refer to ISO ALPHA-3 Country Code (
userIdstring[Optional] The unique userId to identify the user who is performing the Document Verification
  • supported regions are:
RegionCorresponding Country

Response Description

codeH5 Document Verification Status Code
transactionIdThe request id, the max length is 64
pricingStrategyWhether the request will be charged, enum type: FREE, PAY
messageStatus Code Explanation
datasignatureId signatureId which can use it to get the H5 IDV result
url Get H5 IDV URL(this URL is valid in 3600 seconds.)
expiredTime Expiration timestamp
extraExtra response info (Exception Message)

Response Code

Status CodeMessage
PARAMETER_ERRORfree Parameter error,please check you input.
free Parameter should not be empty
free Invalid returnUrl, please check your returnUrl
free Region is wrong
ERRORfree Server error

Response Examples

SUCCESS Response

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "signatureId": "ed8b21c0c87ad617",
        "url": "",
    "extra": null,
    "transactionId": "ed8b21c0c87ad617",
    "pricingStrategy": "FREE"


    "message":"Region is wrong",


    "message":"Parameter error,please check you input.",
    "message":"Parameter should not be empty",
    "message":"Invalid returnUrl,please check your returnUrl",

ERROR Response

    "message":"Server error",

Get Result API

After the Document Verification process is done on the user side, you can request the IDV result by calling the Get Result API.

Request Example:

curl -X POST  \
-H "X-ACCESS-TOKEN: {Your Access Token}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"signatureId": "f302f5d2454a85c2"}' \

Request Url
POST (application/json)

Request Header Parameters

X-ACCESS-TOKENstring Please use Token Authentication API to get your access token

Request Parameters

signatureIdstring signatureId which can use it to get the H5 IDV result

Response Description

codeH5 Document Verification Status Code
transactionIdThe request id, the max length is 64
pricingStrategyWhether the request will be charged, enum type: FREE, PAY
messageStatus Code Explanation
dataimage : the link of the full image captured to facilitate easier human review. This link will be expired in 1 day; if the link is expired ,you need to re query this endpoint to get a new link.
croppedImage : the image is cropped to the edges of the document. The image link will expire in 24 hours. If the link has expired, you need to re-query this endpoint to obtain a new link.
imageType : indicate that image is scanned or manually uploaded, enum type:SCAN, MANUAL
ocrCode: the ocr status code of image
ocrResult: the ocr result of image
idvCode: the idv status code of image
idvResult: the idv result of image
extraExtra response info (Exception Message)


  • The difference between image and croppedImage can be better illustrated in the below example:

  • You can enable the video feature based on your requirement of verification standards.

  • The user experience may be affected if the video feature is enabled, since it takes time to upload the video.

Response Code

Status CodeMessage
SIGNATURE_NOT_EXISTThis signatureId is not exist.
ERRORServer error.


  • There will be image (link) and image type returned in the data of JSON response body for response code SUCCESS
  • Please remember to add a handler for the Status Codes in the Glossary as well


SUCCESSDocument Verification is successful.
LOW_QUALITY_IMAGELower quality images, please make sure that the content of the shot is visible and readable.
FORGERY_DETECTEDThe id card is considered forged, check idvResult.forgeryLabels for reason.
CARD_NOT_FOUNDNo documents detected.
TOO_MANY_CARDSMultiple documents detected, use a single one.
NO_SUPPORTED_CARDPlease use KTP documents.
INCOMPLETED_CARDPlease take a full photo of your documents.
TOO_SMALL_CARDPlease shoot close to the documents.
ERRORDocument Verification Server error.


isLowQualityIndicates if the image is considered low quality.
forgeryLabelsThe list of reasons why the id card is considered forged. If empty ,the id card is not forged.
possible values (enum):

- retake
- colorPhotocopied
- cutoffCorner
- pastedPhoto
- b&wPhotocopied
- modifiedNIK
- oldKTP


SUCCESSOCR is successful.
OCR_NO_RESULTOCR is completed but there is no result.
ERROROCR Server error.


  • Only when idvCode is SUCCESS or FORGERY_DETECTED, ocrCode will have value; otherwise ocrCode will always return null.
  • When idvCode is FORGERY_DETECTED , idvResult.forgeryLabels shows the reason.
  • When idvCode is LOW_QUALITY_IMAGE , idvResult.qualityLabels shows the reason.


idNumberstring,ID Number (NIK) of the Person in the KTP, null if parsed failed.
namestring,Name of the person in the KTP, null if parsed failed.
bloodTypestring, Blood type of the person, null if parsed failed.
religionstring, Religion of the person, null if parsed failed.
genderstring, Gender of the person, null if parsed failed.
birthPlaceBirthdaystring, Place and date of birth of the person, null if parsed failed. format is "Place,, DD-MM-YYYY"
provincestring, Province of the person’s residence, null if parsed failed.
citystring, City of the person’s residence, null if parsed failed.
districtstring, District of the person’s residence, null if parsed failed.
villagestring, Village of the person’s residence, null if parsed failed.
rtrwstring, RT/RW of the person’ residence, null if parsed failed.
occupationstring, Occupation of the person, null if parsed failed.
expiryDatestring, Expiry Date of the person’s KTP, null if parsed failed.
nationalitystring, Nationality of the person, null if parsed failed.
maritalStatusstring, Marital status of the person, null if parsed failed.
addressstring, Detailed Address of the person’s residence, null if parsed failed.
placeOfBirthstring, Place of birth of the person, null if parsed failed.
birthdaystring, Birthday of the person , null if parsed failed. date format is "YYYY/MM/DD"


For every field, the original text on the KTP card is returned if parsed successfully.

Response Examples

SUCCESS Response

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "image": "",
       	"croppedImage": "",
      	"imageType": "SCAN",
        "idvCode": "SUCCESS",
        "idvResult": {
            "forgeryLabels":["screenshot", "scan"],
            "isLowQuality": true,
            "qualityLabels":["blur", "dim"]
        "ocrCode": "SUCCESS",
        "ocrResult": {
            "name":"R**A M**H A**H,",
            "birthPlaceBirthday":"SE M**N, 01-06-1989",
            "province":"J**A T**H",
            "city":"K**A S**G",
            "occupation":"M**S R**H T**A",
            "expiryDate":"S**R H**P",
            "address":"JL. G**G J**I T**R R**A",
            "placeOfBirth":"SE M**N",
    "extra": null,
    "transactionId": "d3fde1547eeaf226",
    "pricingStrategy": "FREE"


    "message":"This signatureId is not exist",

ERROR Response

    "message":"Server error",

Token Authentication API

This is the API for getting the Access Token.

Request Url
POST (application/json)

Request Parameters

accessKeystring the accessKey
timestampstring 13-digit-long timestamp
signaturestring Combined accessKey, secretKey and timestamp, encrypted by SHA256.
accessKey: sampleaccesskey
secretKey: samplesecretkey
timestamp: 1665993522952
Combined: sampleaccesskeysamplesecretkey1665993522952
Encrypted based on the combined: 02209bbeaf0d0a3dd587f6a1ba22f84c98d142e3b545e77db7e4906ca56349f5
periodSecondstring optional Validity period defaults to 3600 seconds, minimum 60 seconds, maximum 86400 seconds. Unit is seconds


  • You can find accessKey, secretKey on the Websaas Platform -> Account -> Account Management
  • The timestamp in the “signature” must be consistent with parameter timestamp
  • Please remember to re-obtain a new valid token to do the authentication for the open APIs when the previous one is expired

Code Sample

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"accessKey":"22**70b","signature":"f786441e7b3d95f*****853a5a244f9522","timestamp":1648785145789,"periodSecond":120}' \

Response Description

codeResponse Status Code
messageMessage returned from server
datatoken AccessToken
expiredTime Expiration timestamp
extraExtra response info such as exception message
transactionIdthe request id, the max length is 64
pricingStrategywhether the request will be charged, enum type: FREE, PAY

Response Code

Status CodeMessage
PARAMETER_ERRORTimestamp error
Parameter should not be empty
Signature error
CLIENT_ERRORHTTP 400 - Bad Request

Response Examples

SUCCESS Response



    "message":"Parameter should not be empty",
    "message":"Timestamp error",
    "message":"Signature error",


    "message":"Account Disabled",


    "message":"HTTP 400 - Bad Request",