Workflow Builder

The Workflow Builder is the interface for creating and managing workflows, available directly through the One Stop portal. It's a no-code, drag and drop interface that allows you to build, maintain and update workflows seamlessly without the need for developer involvement.

Workflows are dynamic end-user verification journeys based on the rules defined using the Workflow Builder. Workflows can be created and implemented in minutes, and they integrate directly with our SDKs to determine the required user flow.

You can create multiple workflows that can be used individually or in parallel for a range of use cases. For example, routing different user groups and geographies or setting up step-up verification. The workflow allows you to control an end user's journey based on information you capture throughout the verification process.

Workflows allow you to define required end-user actions, which verifications are triggered as well as logic and conditions to create fully customized verification flows. Workflows contain a number of configuration options, including adding custom inputs and retry logic for when an end user fails on the first verification attempt.