V1.3 (2024.07)
New Features
Enable the return of a cropped image of the document around the edges, removing the background for easier verification. Please find the steps in the backend integration here
V1.2 (2024.07)
New Features
Added userId in the request parameters of the Generate URL API (click here) to enable more accurate data analysis at user level.
V1.1 (2024.05)
New Features
Separate returnUrls
To enable business clients to guide users through different pathways based on the outcome of document verification, we provide two specific redirect URLs. These URLs are designed to handle the following scenarios:
- returnUrl: This URL is used when the user successfully uploads their ID document, and the OCR process returns a success code (ocrCode == SUCCESS).
- failReturnUrl: This URL is used when the user has exhausted all attempts and failed to capture a satisfactory image.
By utilising these two redirect paths, clients can effectively manage user flows for both successful and unsuccessful document verification attempts.
Please find the steps in the backend integration here
Event tracking
We have revamped our event tracking system, standardizing properties, general properties, and event names to ensure greater clarity and consistency. Please find the overview here
Event tracking data delivery can now also be done through the Event Query API using the relevant signatureId.
Updated 6 months ago