Generate URL API

Call this API to generate an Document Verification H5 Frontend link.

Request Example:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-ACCESS-TOKEN:{Your Access Token}' \
  -d '{
"returnUrl": "",
"callbackUrl": "",
"bizId": "7ac66c0f148de9519b8bd264312c4d64", 
"language": "en-US",
"docType": "PH-ID-SSS",
"ignoreFailWhenJump": false,

Request Url
POST (application/json)
POST (application/json)
POST (application/json)
POST (application/json)
POST (application/json)

Request Header Parameters

X-ACCESS-TOKENstring Please use Token Authentication API to get your access token

returnUrlstring The target URL of the web page jump after user completes the Verification processing in frontend.
Refer to Frontend Integration(H5)
failReturnUrlstring The target URL of the web page jump after user fails to complete the Verification processing in frontend.
Refer to Frontend Integration(H5)
callbackUrlstring [Optional] The target URL to notify the caller after the Verification result is all completed (include Id forgery result) .
Refer to Callback Notification
bizIdstring The unique business id to identify the business transaction that triggered this Verification processing, such as order id.
userIdstring The unique userId to identify the user who is performing the Verification.
regionstring The region of the service support.
Refer to ISO ALPHA-3 Country Code (
languageThe languages currently supported by the frontend are:

en - English
fil - Filipino
ms - Malay
id - Indonesian
th - Thai
bn - Bengali

Refer to HTTP Accept-Language

When the user-specified language is not matched, it will fall back sequentially: language by Generate URL API > language by User browser > Default language (en).
prefersColorSchemestring [Optional ] default "light".
Refer to prefersColorScheme.
docTypestring The document type that requires the user to provide.
Refer to Supported Regions & DocTypes
ignoreFailWhenJumpbool [Optional] default to false.Refer to Frontend Integration(H5) Error Handling
bizCodestring [Optional ] The business type of the user. max size of the length is 32. only support characters a-zA-z0-9
iframeEnabledThe iframeEnabled parameter is used to activate iframe integration mode. When this parameter is set to true, the generated URL will allow the workflow to be embedded into your web application via an iframe. This provides a seamless experience by eliminating the need for users to leave your application interface.


indicate the theme that AAI's Frontend should use.

Supported Valuesexplained
lightlight theme.
darkdark theme.

Response Description

codeH5 Document Verification Status Code
transactionIdThe request id, the max length is 64
pricingStrategyDeprecated, Always return FREE
messageStatus Code Explanation
datasignatureId signatureId which can use it to get the verification result
url Get H5 URL that for user to go through the process.
Will expire in 3600 seconds.
Refer to Frontend Integration(H5)
expiredTime Expiration timestamp
extraExtra response info (Exception Message)

Response Code

Status CodeMessage
PARAMETER_ERRORParameter error, please check you input.
Parameter should not be empty
Invalid returnUrl, please check your returnUrl
Solution code is wrong
Prefers color scheme is wrong
Region is wrong
ERRORServer error

Response Examples


    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "signatureId": "ed8b21c0c87ad617",
        "url": "",
    "extra": null,
    "transactionId": "ed8b21c0c87ad617",
    "pricingStrategy": "FREE"


    "message":"Region is wrong",


    "message":"Parameter error,please check you input.",
    "message":"Parameter should not be empty",
    "message":"Invalid returnUrl,please check your returnUrl",

ERROR Response

    "message":"Server error",