Database ID Validation
The Database ID Validation product offers a robust solution for Indonesian clients, enabling them to verify the authenticity of individual customer profile details. This verification process ensures that the provided information is genuine and matches the official national identity records maintained by Dukcapil (Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration).
By leveraging this service, businesses can confidently issue digital certificates, knowing that their customers' identities have been thoroughly validated against the authoritative national database.
How it works
This service is provided to AAI's clients in collaboration with local vendor partnerships. Only licensed electronic certification providers (PSRE) are authorized to issue the digital certificates. As part of the validation process, key individual information is collected and assessed, including:
- National Identification Number (NIK)
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Selfie Image
- KTP Image (Indonesian ID card)
- Email Address
- Phone Number
Updated 7 months ago