Get Result API

After the Identity Verification process is done on the user side, you can request the IDV result by calling the Get Result API.

Request Example:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-ACCESS-TOKEN:{Your Access Token}' \
  -d '{"signatureId": "f302f5d2454a85c2"}'

Request Url
POST (application/json)
POST (application/json)
POST (application/json)
POST (application/json)

Request Header Parameters

X-ACCESS-TOKENstring Please use Token Authentication API to get your access token

Request Parameters

signatureIdstring SignatureId which can use it to get the Identity Verification result

Response Description

codeResponse's Status Code
transactionIdThe request id, the max length is 64
pricingStrategyDeprecated, Always return FREE
messageStatus Code Explanation
dataobject : the business result of Identity Verification
extraExtra response info (Exception Message)


Status CodeMessage
SIGNATURE_NOT_EXISTThis signatureId is not exist.
ERRORServer error.

signatureIdstring, the signatureId of this identity verification transaction.
idvResultstring, The result code of this identity verification transaction.
errorCodestring, The fail reason when eckyResult is fail
faceDetailobject, The face verification result details.
Always be null when solutionCode in ["02","03","05"]
Refer to FaceDetail
docDetailobject, The document verification result details.
Always be null when solutionCode in ["04"]
Refer to DocDetail


idvResult is the result code of the identity verification

PASSthe user passed the identity verification check.
FAILthe user failed the identity verification check.
INCOMPLETEthe user gave up in the middle of the identity verification check, or the user timeouts.
Won't return this when the solutionCode in ["05"]

PASSSUCCESSThe user passed the identity verification.
FAILLIVENESS_ATTACKTrue if faceDetail.faceLivenessScore < 50.0, else False.
SIMILARITY_FAILTrue if faceDetail.faceSimilarityScore < 70.0, else False.
NO_FACE_DETECTEDNo face detected on the front image of the document.
CARD_INFO_MISMATCH The front part and the back part of the two-side document do not match with each other.
ID_FORGERY_DETECTED The document ( only the front part if the document is two-side) is forgery.
STRATEGY_HITSecurity policy hit
(FAIL when solutionCode in ["05"])
NO_SUPPORTED_CARDThe card type detected from the document image is not supported.
CARD_TYPE_MISMATCH The card type detected from the document image doesn't match with the docType
from the Generate URL API
CARD_LOW_QUALITY_IMAGE The document images are too poor to do identity verification.
INCOMPLETED_CARD The card is not completed in the document images.
TOO_MANY_CARDS More than one cards were detected.
CARD_NOT_FOUNDCan't detect card from the document image.
OCR_NO_RESULTCan't extract ocr result from the docImages
PARAMETER_ERRORthe data submitted by our frontend is not valid. this may indicates a frontend bug.
USER_TIMEOUTUser did not complete the operation within the specified time(1 hour)
ERROR Error during processing in our backend. this may indicates a backend bug.
NO_SUPPORTED_CARD_CUSTOMIZEDThe card type is known but not supported currently. maybe support in the future.

Response Examples


    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "signatureId": "f302f5d2454a85c2",
        "idvResult": "PASS",
        "errorCode": "SUCCESS",
        "faceDetail": {
            "faceResult": "PASS",
            "faceImageFar": "",
            "faceImageNear": "",
            "auditImageUrl": "",
            "faceLivenessScore": 99,
            "faceSimilarityScore": 82,
            "eventDetails": [
                    "event": "FE_DOCUMENT_SCAN",
                    "result": "PASS",
                    "createTimestmap": 1665993522952
        "docDetail": {
            "ocrResult": "PASS",
            "docFrontImage": "",
            "docBackImage": "",
            "docType": {
                "front": "MY-ID-MYKAD",
                "back": "MY-ID-MYKAD"
            "subDocType": {
                "front": "MY-ID-MYKAD",
                "back": "MY-ID-MYKAD"
            "ocrInfo": {
                "front": {
                    "gender": "PEREMPUAN",
                    "name": "****** ******",
                    "address": "****** ****** ****** ******",
                    "idNumber": "************",
                    "religion": "",
                    "birthday": "1977/10/28",
                    "citizen": "MYS"
                "back": {
                    "idNumber": "************"
            "qualityLabels": {
                "front": [

                "back": [

            "forgeryLabels": [
            "eventDetails": [
                    "event": "FE_DOCUMENT_SCAN",
                    "result": "PASS",
                    "createTimestmap": 1665993522952
    "extra": null,
    "transactionId": "d3fde1547eeaf226",
    "pricingStrategy": "FREE"
    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
      "faceDetail": {
        "faceResult": "FAIL",
        "faceImageFar": "",
        "faceImageNear": "",
				"auditImageUrl": "",
				"faceLivenessScore": 0.0,
        "faceSimilarityScore": 82.0
      "docDetail":  {
        "docResult": "PASS",
        "idFrontImage": "",
        "idBackImage": "",
				"ocrInfo": {
        "front": {
          "gender": "PEREMPUAN",
          "name": "****** ******",
          "address": "****** ****** ****** ******",
          "idNumber": "************",
          "religion": "",
          "birthday": "1977/10/28",
          "citizen": "MYS"
        "back": {
          "secondaryIdNumber": "************"
        "qualityLabels": {
          "front": [],
          "back": []
        "forgeryLabels": [] 
    "extra": null,
    "transactionId": "d3fde1547eeaf226",
    "pricingStrategy": "FREE"
    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
      "faceDetail": {
         "faceResult": null,
        "faceImageFar": null,
        "faceImageNear": null,
				"auditImageUrl": null,
				"faceLivenessScore": null,
        "faceSimilarityScore": null
      "docDetail":  {
        "docResult": null,
        "docFrontImage": null,
        "docBackImage": null,
				"ocrInfo": null,
        "qualityLabels": null,
        "forgeryLabels": null
    "extra": null,
    "transactionId": "d3fde1547eeaf226",
    "pricingStrategy": "FREE"
  "code": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "OK",
  "data": {
    "idvResult": null, // still in processing
    "errorCode": null,
    "faceDetail": {
      "faceResult": "pass",
      "faceImageFar": "",
      "faceImageNear": "",
      "auditImageUrl": "",
      "faceLivenessScore": 99,
      "faceSimilarityScore": null, // in processing
      "eventDetails": [
              "event": "FE_DOCUMENT_SCAN",
              "result": "PASS",
              "createTimestmap": 1665993522952
    "docDetail": {
      "ocrResult": PASS,
      "docFrontImage": "",
      "docBackImage": "",
      "ocrInfo": {
        "front": {
          "birthday": "OCTOBER 28,1977",
          "name": "**************",
          "birthdayParsed": "1977/10/28",
          "idNumber": "09-*******-*"
        "back": null
      "qualityLabels": {
        "front": [],
        "back": []
      "forgeryLabels": null, // in processing
      "eventDetails": [
              "event": "FE_DOCUMENT_SCAN",
              "result": "PASS",
              "createTimestmap": 1665993522952
  "extra": null,
  "transactionId": "d3fde1547eeaf226",
  "pricingStrategy": "FREE"


    "message":"This signatureId is not exist",


    "message":"Server error",