Integration Guide

The Database ID Validation service is available through RESTFUL API, below are the steps to execute.


  1. Obtain Token from here
  2. Begin verification (refer here)

Image Quality Requirements

The services check and extract the necessary information from the uploaded images, hence please ensure the uploaded images satisfy the following criteria:

  • Is in one of the following image formats: PNG / JPG / JPEG
  • Below 1 MB file size
  • Minimum resolution of 256 x 256
  • Maximum resolution of 4096 x 4096


Response Description

codeStatus Code
transactionIdthe request id, the max length is 64
pricingStrategywhether the request will be charged, enum type: FREE, PAY
messageStatus Code Explanation
dataidNumber : registered or not_registered

facePercent : true or false. The face is same person or not.

faceResult : true or false. Same value as “facePercent” field. (This is an additional parameter to facilitate clients that have problems changing data type of legacy “facePercent” field)

name : true or false. The name is correct or not

birthDate :true or false. The birthDate is correct or not
extraExtra response info (Exception Message)

Response Code

Status codeMessage
PARAMETER_ERRORParameter should not be empty

Invalid image format,image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png,and request content type should be image/jpeg or image/png

Invalid image size,image size should be between 50KB and 1MB,and image dimension should be between 400 400 and 4096 4096

Invalid ktpImage size, image size should be less than 1MB, and image dimension should be between 256 256 and 4096 4096

Parameter error,please check your input

Invalid ID number,please check the NIK format

Invalid email,please check your email format

Invalid phone number,please check your phone number format or call segment

Parameter error,please check your request whether has illegal parameters

Invalid KTP

Invalid face image

Timestamp error

Signature error
ERRORServer error
CLIENT_ERRORHTTP 400 - Bad Request