Integration Guide for Global


The Global ID Forgery service involves two steps:

  1. Detection: Submit the relevant document images for verification purpose. You will receive the ifdid which would be used as the identifier for the second step. (click here)
  2. Query: Obtain the forgery detection result of the document by querying using the ifdid identifier. If forgery is detected, all detected forgery types will be listed in the result response (click here)

Please obtain Token from here

Image Quality Requirements

The services check and extract the necessary information from the uploaded images, hence please ensure the uploaded images satisfy the following criteria:

  • Is in one of the following image formats: PNG / JPG / JPEG
  • Below 2 MB file size
  • Minimum resolution of 256 x 256
  • Maximum resolution of 4096 x 4096

Step 1: Detection

Response Description

codeID Forgery Detection Status Code
transactionIdthe request id, the max length is 64
pricingStrategywhether the request will be charged, enum type: FREE, PAY
messageStatus Code Explanation
dataifdid: An identifier for the service’s query
extraExtra response info (Exception Message)

Response Code

Status codeMessage
NO_SUPPORTED_CARDNo supported card detected from the image
PARAMETER_ERRORParameter should not be empty

Unsupported country or region

Invalid image format,image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png,and request content type should be image/jpeg or image/png

Invalid image size,max image size should be less than 2M,and image dimension should be between 256 256 and 4096 4096

Timestamp error

Signature error
CLIENT_ERRORHTTP 400 - Bad Request

Step 2: Query

Response Description

codeStatus Code
transactionIdthe request id, the max length is 64
pricingStrategywhether the request will be charged, enum type: FREE, PAY
messageStatus Code Explanation
dataresult : pass, this refers the test has passed, ID is not forged,
result: fail, this refers the test has failed, ID is forged

detail : It will be null if result is pass. If result is fail, reasons could include: poor quality, photocopy, retake, screenshot, edited, unsupported, others
extraExtra response info (Exception Message)

Fail Reason

Fail ValueDescription
poor qualityThe image of the card is not clearly visible, or the card is incomplete or compromised.
screenshotThe image is a screenshot.
retakeThe image is taken from another screen.
photocopyThe image is a black and white , or color photocopy.
editedThe image of the card, or the information on the card has been edited or altered.
unsupportedThe document type is not supported.
othersDocument's authenticity is not verified for various reasons.

Response Code

Status codeMessage
PARAMETER_ERRORParameter should not be empty

Timestamp error

Signature error
DETECTINGThis record is being detected
DETECTION_FAILDetection fail,please resubmit later
NO_RECORDNo query record
RETRY_LATERQuery failed,please retry after the suggested time in HTTP Header
CLIENT_ERRORHTTP 400 - Bad Request