Identity Verification Solution

Latest version: Version 1.2.0


In the digital era, ensuring secure and efficient identity verification is paramount. Our EKYC Solution is a cutting-edge identity verification platform designed to streamline the onboarding process while maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance. By leveraging the latest in artificial intelligence and biometric technologies, our solution offers a seamless and secure way to verify identities remotely.

How it works

Basic Capacities

Our Solution is combined by the following basic capacities.

Document Verification

The Document Verification process involves scanning the designated document within a set timeframe to ensure the acquisition of the clearest and most acceptable document possible. This is crucial for enhancing accuracy in data extraction through OCR and detecting ID forgery in the backend.

In cases where scanning is not feasible or times out, we also offer the option for users to manually take a photo to ensure a seamless continuation of the verification process.

Liveness Detection

The process of our liveness detection product begins with capturing a qualified full-body image of the user, followed by capturing a qualified close-up image. During the full-body image capture, the user is required to maintain a certain distance, while for the close-up image capture, the user is asked to move closer to the camera. Throughout the process, our system provides real-time feedback, guiding the user on how to adjust their position and angle to achieve the best shooting effect. At the same time, the system has strong environmental adaptability, ensuring the accuracy and stability of the detection under various lighting conditions or complex backgrounds.

To ensure the security of user data, we adopt high-standard data protection measures throughout the liveness detection process. User data is securely processed and stored, strictly complying with data protection regulations.

Face Comparison

The facial comparison process involves comparing the facial image captured from the identification document with the facial image collected during the liveness detection process, and returning the corresponding similarity score.

Solution Codes

In order to fulfill customer's various needs, we have different solution codes for different scene.

check Solution Codes for details.

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